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Create Dangerously: a writing workshop

Tapping into creative courage

  • Ended
  • 30 US dollars
  • Online

Service Description

"The goal of art…is not to establish rules or to reign; it is first and foremost to understand." -Albert Camus There are the stories that we tell freely at no risk of embarrassment, disappointment or otherwise negative emotional outcome and then there are the stories, buried and quietly residing in a corner of our minds and hearts, stories bearing truths on the margins of our existence, uncomfortable truths about ourselves and the world that surrounds us, those stories that need telling, that in sharing connect our vulnerable human experience and remind us we are not alone. Audre Lorde once said, “When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision—then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." This workshop is about daring creatively in service of the stories that need telling to, in the words of Cole Arthur Riley, "make us agents of true restoration in a tired world." I've created prompts that are inspired by Create Dangerously: The Power and Responsibility of the Artist by Albert Camus and Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work by Edwidge Danticat. It's not necessary to purchase the texts to participate in the workshop. You'll receive the slide presentation with audio recording and a digital workbook. If you are signed up to my Patreon, it will also be posted there at the $20 tier. You can use this workshop as a way to explore understanding, release heaviness, and create space for stories you feel compelled to tell.

Contact Details

Located upstairs. There is no elevator. 10 2nd St, Troy, NY, USA

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